Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Special Visit

My newly planted roses are starting to bloom. I took this shot of Queen Elizabeth, my favorite rose in my garden. I planted three of them. I don't have many roses blooming yet, so I savor every bloom! My mom was here recently. She visited for 5 weeks! We had so much fun. She had never been to the South before. Here are pictures of our cruise on the General Jackson. It's a paddle wheel river boat. It was a three hour cruise with lunch and a show. I highly recommend it to anyone visiting Nashville.
Sweet Rachel with her Nana, Rose Mary.
And me with my mum!
Time flew by, we did so many fun things. I will try to post some more pics of our time together. Have a blessed week! I'm working on making some more flower beds in my back yard before the weather gets too hot!
Love and hugs,
Victoria Lynn


Donna Lynn said...

I can not wait till my roses are blooming too, each Spring brings renewed hope to my heart...

The QE's are the best in the garden, in my humble rose opinion, they are hard to beat with the color, hardiness, and amount of blooms!

So happy that you had time with your Mom, you will have lovely memories to savor for years to come!
XO from your,

Donna Lynn said...

Well BFF, here is another comment, cause I was missing you something terrible tonight and had to come visit your blog for a dose of
V! I am up still and it is 11 pm, too much coffee today I guess! Loved looking at your pretty pink rose picture again, is that rose shriveling up too? I hope not! Found a good blog today, Forget Me Not Dreams. blogspot check it out!

I was on ebay checking out vintage crowns, who knows why, just being silly, didn't find anything to speak of under $300 bucks...SIGH!
Better stop messing around and go to bed.

Unknown said...

That is sweet that you got to spend so much time with your Mom and show her the beautiful South! :)

Ginger said...

What a beautiful rose!!! I sure miss the rose bushes I had when I lived in Las Vegas. I tried some the first year here in Utah, but they froze.
That paddle boat cruise looks like so much fun. I would love to do that some day. And how special that is for your mom to be there with you to enjoy it.